
Defeating fraudsters: One client’s solution to the survey data quality crisis

In 2021, Wilton — the leader in baking and decorating for over 90 years — experienced a significant decline in third-party survey sample quality. In response, we developed a holistic data quality methodology that starts with securing the right vendor and continues by validating survey respondents with every field. To find the right partner who took our concerns seriously, we evaluated potential providers using a custom scorecard that graded performance on a standardized test field. This test used the same methodology we now employ in our surveys to authenticate category participation and engagement. Finding the right partner and participants has led to higher quality sample and lower costs.

Key takeaways:

  1. Data quality starts with finding the right sample provider for your target consumers.
  2. No single question can determine data quality; it must be evaluated in a holistic way.
  3. Data quality remains high when sample providers partner to defeat ever-evolving fraudsters.

Best Practices Consumers Presentation by End-Client
