
Around the world! How Expedia Group and Luth Research traveled together on an international consumer journey

Expedia Group partnered with Luth Research to understand the motivations, behaviors and preferences for different types of travelers and identify similarities and differences between countries. With a mix of digital behavior data and survey data the results from this study armed Expedia Group with powerful insights to drive future marketing strategies.

From this presentation you will gain inspiration and ideas for incorporating digital data and survey data methodologies in your own research to better understand consumer behavior and create value.

Key takeaways:

  1. Understand methodologies used to conduct consumer journeys in seven countries and how this might work for your research.
  2. Discover the synergies between digital data and survey data methodologies in generating a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior.
  3. Understand how the insights derived from the study were used to enhance Expedia Group’s partnerships and drive business growth.

Case Study Joint Presentation Travel
