
Measuring the unmeasurable: Real strategies for research impact

Room 2 | 10:30 am - 11:00 am | Wednesday, July 19, 2023

As a researcher, you’re always striving to learn and explain, but what about those ambiguous, gnarly topics at the heart of your product or platform? How might you identify and break down the hard-to-measure and difficult-to-explain concepts that every stakeholder seems to have a different definition for?

This session will explore a case study of Pinterest’s Inspiration Research Agenda, then move to actionable principles for pinning down the unmeasurable.

Key takeaways:

  1. Learn from Pinterest’s example of a multi-stage research agenda.
  2. Use multi-method approaches and get creative with resourcing.
  3. Leverage partnerships and existing work with iterative conversations.

Presentation by End-Client Research Report Technology


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