
Best shopper recession strategy: Raise prices or decrease volume?

Room 4 | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Monday, March 27, 2023

All the new pressures of this crisis have led to similar challenges brands had to make two years ago – shortages, supply chain issues and consequently, prioritization of product distribution. Due to this, brands have to make complex decisions in terms of trimming their portfolio, reducing pack sizes and counts, or shifting pricing at the same time. Relying on past data is simply not an option now when pricing sensitivity is fluctuating, and consumer confidence is unstable.

EyeSee and a panel of end-client experts will discuss the latest virtual shopping study findings, and tackle:

  1. What impact would price increases during a recession have on potential sales on category, segment, and brand level?
  2. Is reducing the size of the package while maintaining the same price a good strategy?
  3. Overall, where can we win when it comes to shifting buying behavior in 2023?

Case Study Presentation by Supplier Retail


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