Best shopper recession strategy: Raise prices or decrease volume?

All the new pressures of this crisis have led to similar challenges brands had to make two years ago – shortages, supply chain issues and consequently, prioritization of product distribution. [...]


Monday | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Room 4

Innovate. Validate. Repeat. The importance of connected research with e.l.f. Beauty

The pressure is on to innovate faster, better and more frequently. How can companies keep up? Join Katy Emerson, SVP of customer success at Suzy and Jessica Cilla, VP, consumer [...]


Monday | 10:30 am - 11:00 am | Room 3

Why we are comfortable with store-brand paper towels but not laundry detergent: GroupSolver and PWC dive deep into customer attitudes toward private-label brands

The pandemic years followed by rapid inflation have shifted our attitudes toward the brands we buy every day. From cleaning supplies to salty snacks, from medicines to pet food, the [...]


Monday | 11:15 am - 11:45 am | Room 4