

FaderFocus is a qualitative research/strategy firm that uses qualitative engagement to help transform businesses and to get clients unstuck. Thought leader in reframing how to think about strategic challenges and opportunities and injecting innovative research approaches. Services include discussion groups, interviews, ethnographies, bulletin boards – online, mobile, telephone and in-person qualitative methods. Tailor qualitative methodologies to fit client’s specific strategic objectives using both traditional, and if warranted non-traditional methods. Experience in range of categories and demographics.

Sessions from FaderFocus:

Contextual intelligence: Guiding business success by reframing business challenges and perceptions of people

Before Copernicus proved that the earth revolved around the sun, all astronomers used the wrong baseline assumption that the sun revolved around the earth so every observation and all their [...]


Tuesday | 9:00 am - 9:30 am | Room 4